We offer services via telehealth and in-person, on the weekends and evenings, and provide care in 36 states!

Group Offerings
Gender Expansive Psychotherapy Groups
We have a weekly psychotherapy group serving those who identify as gender creative, transgender, gender variant, nonbinary, third gender, or gender queer. Our group focuses on adults ages 18. The purpose of this group is to not only provide support, but to also further explore psychological issues and stressors which may appear in your life with individuals who share a common experience. Although everyone’s gender journey is different, there are some commonalities that often bring people together. These similarities can promote a sense of acceptance, participation, and an atmosphere of reduced stigma. Group topics may include coming out professionally, partners, and children, juggling school, parental acceptance or conflict, identity exploration, and career. While these groups focus on issues directly related to gender, we also encourage and make space for issues related to: mood, trauma, relationships, occupation, problematic thought, and behavior cycles, and everyday stress. If you desire to meet others who identify similarly in a supportive and welcoming space, please join us! Group information is below.
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Gender Expansive
Psychotherapy Group
Time: Tuesdays 4:30 PM - 6:00 PM (telehealth)
Cost: $50 per group
Who: Adults 18+
For More Information:
Manaal Sajid, PsyD, Licensed Psychologist
EK Counseling
2150 W. 29th Ave, Suite 330 Denver, CO 80211
Adulting with ADHD
Never before have we needed to work, socialize, participate in activities all from the same space—our home. The COVID-19 pandemic adds additional stressors to our lives requiring us all to adapt and manage our personal and professional lives remotely. For adults who struggle with attention and other executive functioning tasks, this can be particularly difficult. Struggling with attention is a hallmark symptom of ADHD which can impact your social and emotional functioning, cause distress in your personal life, and contribute to loneliness and isolation. If you have been diagnosed with ADHD or struggle with any of the wide array of symptoms, this six week workshop will provide you with evidence-based strategies to cope with the impact of ADHD on your academic, occupational, social, and emotional functioning. Our group is particularly beneficial for those already in therapy who may want to drill down and focus on this particular area. This will be a weekly skills-focused, telehealth group, and therefore will require minimal self-disclosure.
Group members will learn invaluable strategies to assist with the following:
Delaying distractions
Modifying your environment
Reducing procrastination
Navigating ADHD symptoms in relationships
Managing stress and underlying mental health conditions that impact executive functioning
Achieving better work/life balance
When: Six consecutive sessions. Day is TBD.
Cost: $420
Who: Adults 18+
For More Information:
Molly Shmerling, PsyD, Licensed Psychologist

Womxn’s Trauma Process Group
This group is intended for individuals who identify as womxn, ages 18 and over who are seeking a safe and collaborative space to process aspects of trauma to deal with the past, connect to the present, and move towards the future. The purpose of the group is to not only provide support but also explore topics related to recovery and shared experiences that often bring people together. Self-disclosure is encouraged in order to promote connection. This group may be especially beneficial for those who are actively working with a therapist or have done trauma work before. This will be an ongoing group meeting throughout the year. Participants will need to complete a prescreen before group participation.​
When: Wednesdays 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Cost: $50
Who: Women, gender creative, transgender, gender-queer, and non-binary identities
For More Information:
Manaal Sajid, Psy.D, Licensed Psychologist
(720) 571-1130 x. 3
Dig Deep Group: Relationship Ambivalence
This group is intended for womxn in their thirties and forties who are contemplating whether to leave their marriage or long-term relationship. This is a space for those who are seeking a safe, collaborative, and communal environment to reconnect with what is most meaningful while asking the question, “Can I stay and grow, or is it time to go?” Many womxn in our culture are expected to have it all, and this can often mean putting the wants and needs of others around you first which may leave little time for self-reflection. If you find you are asking “Am I fulfilled?” “Is this all there is?” “Is my unhappiness reason enough?” or “What about the kids?” then this group is for you!
This group will not only provide support and community, but also explore topics related to the shared experience of being a cisgender woman questioning her long-term relationship and whether it still offers what is necessary for growth. Self-disclosure is encouraged in order to promote connection. This will be an ongoing group meeting throughout the year. Participants are invited to set up a brief call with Dr. Emily Kerr prior to starting. Come join us in a space of challenge and healing.
When: Every other Tuesday from 12:00-1:15pm
Cost: $50
Where: Telehealth (open to those who reside in a PSYPACT state (please enquire))
Who: Womxn in their 30s and 40s
Contact Dr. Emily A. Kerr, Owner and licensed psychologist at EK Counseling.
720-571-1130, ekerr@ekcounseling.com

Why Should I Consider Group?
“How can group help me reach my goals?” “Will those people be able to relate to me?” “I’m worried about being vulnerable with others I don’t know well.” I often hear these responses when I suggest that clients may benefit from group therapy. However, there are reasons I find it helpful: groups simulate the outside world much more closely than a one-on-one therapy relationship, and thus allows a unique environment for therapeutic exploration. To read more, check out this blog article.